Monday, March 26, 2012

Hello Koh Samui

In Da Nang airport they had BK! First fast food in 3 weeks. Felt like crap afterword

To update the last of Vietnam first, we spent 2 days on the beach in Nha Trang doing quite literally nothing, and then an afternoon in Ho Chi Minh City.

Jess got poo'd on

Nha Trang was a nice beach, but we paid the $1.50 to get chairs at a nice beachside pool bar and hang out there instead. It was worth the money to keep the vendors off your back for a few hours. It's quite exhausting constantly saying no 10 times to 10 people who sell exactly the same thing that no one wants. Regrettably I cant even comment on the water temperature as we didnt touch it. There also was a cool waterpark thing you could go to called Vinpearl over a very impressive cable car ride 10 meters+ in the air, but again I think we were so tired of tours and being busy it was nice to do nothing. The highlight for Jess for sure was 2 back to back sushi dinners. Its the first sushi we've eaten in I dont know how long. At least 3 weeks probably more like 4-6...

After Nha Trang (and another attempt by a taxi to rip us off), we flew to HCMC. The plan was get there at 12noon, store our luggage in a locker, and go downtown for a bit. Our flight to Bangkok was at 11pm, and then to Koh Samui at 10am the next morning. Now everything in Vietnam is crazy cheap, labour is nothing, beer is nothing etc. When we get to the airport we were stunned to see they wanted $1 per bag per hour to watch out stuff, and there were no lockers?! We have 5 bags these days and quite literally didnt have enough cash left to pay $40 for some guy to watch our bags.... We ended up dividing up the dong we had left and combined our bags into 2, then took one downtown. We took the bus to save money, which was actually quite comfortable, and blah blah blah, nothing that great we got our flight.

Thats where things were a bit freaky. We waited on the runway for about 10 minutes until the pilot came on and said they were waiting for some weather to pass as a precaution. This was the understatement of the trip. 10 minutes later we flew what seemed like directly through a lightning storm. We could see the bolts level with the plane so close it looked like you could touch them. Jess and I both had minor panic attacks, and I still cant believe we didnt die. As a suggestion to Qatar Airways, maybe just wait 20 minutes instead of 10!!! I wish I wasnt so panicked because it probably would have been a good picture.

Now we are in Koh Samui and loving it! The weather is super super hot and sunny, the beach is not crowded and very nice. The water is probably 25c, and the vendors are so much more understanding. They definitely start higher, but they are both willing to barter and willing to take a no.

Last night we went to a weekly market in Lamai where we are staying and ate a bunch of street food and drinks. Jess bought some fake ray bans for 5 bucks, and fun was had.

Riding in one of the sweet truck taxi's

As you can probably tell the paragraphs are getting shorter because I wrote too much about the end of Vietnam and I dont want to write anymore... oops Uploading some pictures...

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