Monday, May 30, 2011

Tourist trap avoidance fails

This one is a poolside update as I consider the events of the last few days.

I think now after just short of a month on the trip, I can start to reflect a bit on how to make better decisions when traveling. And by better decisions I mean getting the most out of each day for the least amount of money... the key quite obviously is avoiding the tourist traps and eating where the locals eat, but a lot of the time this is easier said than done. Lately we have been screwed just once, but it hurts when it happens. Places on capri are the worst I have ever seen in my life. The place we went to charged 3eur cover each, 15% service, 5eur waters, on top of already overpriced meals. Why did we go there? Same reason you buy milk at the gas station the odd time, or buy beers at canucks games. The have the convenience of being in the right place at the right time with the things you want. Contrast that to last night and both our meals in venice...put in the time to get recommendations and our best friend trip advisor's opinion, and boom! Half the price, and as good or better food.

Same thing today. Read about how much of a rip off the blue grotto was, so we seeked out the #1 boat tour and got a private 2 hour tour with another couple for 30 compared to sardining for an hour with 30 others for 25 the research if you have the time is the (my own to myself) moral.

Anyways, I'm sweating and need to get in the pool!


Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Nice not nice, Venice value vacant

Before I write anything, a final note to my last post. Even on TGV's the crazy smoking people exist, but they are so nicotine addicted they dont even wait for the stops! I guess there are no smoke alarms in the bathrooms, so the lady sitting in front of us actually went in, lit a smoke (after a 5 minute fidgit attack), and huffed away before coming to sit back down. What a retard. Plus no one actually is staffed on trains so everyone just ignores it and deals with her issues and stench.

That is a common theme in all of europe so far. Cleanliness, pleasent odor, fixing broken items in your commercial establishment... all not part of the culture. Sure, they will carry around an LV purse and wear a D&G belt with Ray-Bans, but pee in the streets, soil up a bathroom, actually have soap in the soap dispenser? non issues.... crazy people!!!!

The problem with Nice though was my stomach attack. It was on full evac after a few big (and really really good) meals in Lyon. We had one of our most fun times with 2 British men on an eating and drinking tour of France for 17 days. So nice to speak english to some people for once in France! They booked their whole trip all based on trip advisor ratings, and we were eating at the #1 rated place in Lyon (le Musee). Was an awesome meal, and even Jess liked it, which is saying something.

In Nice though the first night I just slept, and could barely go outside even to see the water. The next day I still wasnt feeling good, so we went down to the beach and rented comfy loungue chairs on the beach, which conveniently had their own private bathrooms... thank god. We met some crazy aussies that sat beside us, and jess had a lot of fun, but I wish I wasnt sick so i could have partaken. It was a fun night even for me, as we went out with a lot of really nice people from all over. I was sleeping by 12. I bet the aussies were out till 4.

Next day we went to monaco, which was worth it. They were setting up for F1 which has quite an infectious atmosphere. The amount of money involved is just astonishing. You see guys in Canada dress up their 'big rigs' with Chrome or whatever, and you see people with fancy paint jobs on their trailers or whatever, but in F1 they have the biggest, most expensive, nicest painted, cleanest and shiniest semi trucks I have ever seen in my life. And they have 12 of them. Plus youve probably seen rock concerts with speaker boxes and such. Maybe a few truck loads. In F1 they have 12 of them, and there is probably 10 teams, and each box is brand new, and each guy is wearing a fancy brand new team shirt, and on and on and on. Really neat. I was hoping to see some of the cars but they build these special little boxes in the pits around them so you cant see them. I did see a ton of Rolls, lambo, maybach, ferrari, and other in Monaco though. I also am proud to say I got a blackjack in the casino! Pretty big let down though, it was empty and awkwardly quiet. No music, no service unless you ask, and very very small. Maybe at night in my tuxedo it would have been different. Still, I was happy we went and played BJ with carved shirtless children and saintly looking oil painted women watching the action.

Now we are in Venice and its pretty neat! No cars obviously, just lots of walking. Its the first nice hotel we have stayed in though, so its so nice just to relax in a nice place. I'll have to write more about that later!


PS Jess never wrote a post, and in Lyon, at the Parc, they have an African Plain of animals! It was awesome.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Internet people

I must say after a couple weeks of travel, I have really gained respect for people who can create content I actually want to read or watch on blogs, youtube etc. We are both finding it so hard to find the time to actually sit down and write something out, either email or blog or facebook. And, when you do find the time, if you actualy want to upload pictures or format things nicely on a crappy internet connection, it takes like 30 minutes to properly write out a few paragraphs of what we did! The nice thing though, is that ranting aimlessly (like this) gets down a lot of text very quickly...

Some things I have learned I wish I knew before I came:

1. In France, the train car you are in barely matters, and the seat you are in doesnt matter at all. People just sit in your seat, or sit in any seat they want, and then go "Oh, it doesnt matter its all the same" when you show them your tickets. Now when we get on, we just go near where our seats are and take the best ones.

2. French regional trains are germ infested disease ridden cattle car hot boxes. Instead of TGV to Paris and then down to Lyon from Bordeaux (2.5 ish hours, wait, then 4 ish hours) we took a direct train 'first class' straight accross (7 hours). HUGE MISTAKE. Jess and I both lost years off our lives, and caught at least 4 serious diseases. Everyone was coughing, it smelled like urine and poo, everyone is so close together, and its 34 degrees in there. Plus there is no drink or food car. Do not do this, be warned!

3. Do not expect peoples directions to be correct. Saying something is on Grande Rue de la Croix-Rousse, apparently means "some where in that neighbourhood of 25 blocks)". We spent over an hour walking around yestserday for a laundromat, only to walk back to the hotel and ask the lady again where it was and she revised her previously very specific directions to "this street or this one or this one, between here and here". Idiot!

All in all though everything is going great still. Everything has been a lot of discovering and figuring stuff out, but transit is just so good, and signage is clear through any language barrier. Today in Lyon its our last full day so we are giong to take the tram up above old Lyon and visit the cathedrals, and then have dinner at the #1 rated trip advisor restaurant... I'm super pumped for both! French food has been really good, and we have been keeping really busy seeing the sights. Parc de la tete d'or was very nice good, but ill let Jess share her excitement over that. If you google it, i think it should be fairly obvious what we spend at least 20 minutes staring at.

Hope everyone is well... Train tomorrow to Nice/Monaco for 3 days then Venice, if I can buck up and pay the hotel rates (holy crap!)


Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Madrid, San Sebastian & Bordeaux OH MY!

Hey hey!

So, we finally have an internet connection in our room. Not a ton of time as it is 11:20pm and we have to be up early for a train to Lyon but, I will post a few pics of the last week!

Here is a photo of a Park in Madrid that we visited! I loved the people lounging in their boats :)

We found out from Misha that this park use to be closed to the public and was only open to Royals.

Madrid was amazing. It was so nice staying with friends and having help around the city... We have a ton of photos but, in trying to keep it short I will move on. We took a train a few days later to San Sebastian (which by the way is my favorite place so far). We arrived to a sunny day and blue skies...ahh... The highlight was probably our huge hike! It took us a solid amount of time to make it to this picturesque spot! P.S. The first day we got massive sun burns and welcomed the clouds for our

We had an amazing few days in San Sebastian and caught a train to Bordeaux! I'll post a picture from the wine tour we did today.. Bordeaux is all about eating, drinking and shopping. Well, we can't shop - we have no where to put anything and I can only eat so much.... and it feels weird drinking at off times of the day so, we were happy to have our whole second day taken up by a wine tour. We visited 4 Chateaux's and got a history of wine making..

(blogger isn't letting me load any more pics so, I will try again tomorrow)


Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Videos From the Trip

Granted there are probably better videos of all of these things on Youtube already, but I wanted to share some of the videos we took ourselves. These just dont do it justice.

We had amazing first row tickets to the 4-0 win over Getafe FC. Ronaldo had 3 goals in the blowout. Amazing to think in Camp Nou, you can fit all of this stadium, plus another Canucks sell out inside it. Funny note: we paid 90 euros for front row Real Madrid, and 150 euros for nose bleed goodyear blimp tickets to FC Barca.

Trying to show just how many people are around when you try to get your tickets at the pick up window.

This is the opening theme to FC Barca from out TERRIBLE seats. It was super awesome to see an arena of 100k fans, and the staduim was so steep the seats werent actually that bad. We saw a 2-0 win againds RCD Espanyol.

Tried to get a decent video of the Sagrada Familia. All the towers are over 100meters in size... wow! And, what a nice day outside!

Monday, May 9, 2011

Catch up!

Well, it's my first time with access to a computer to finally update the blog with some pictures off of our camera. So far Owen has only had his cell phone and the photo's on there to post. I've got a few pics from London including Buckingham Palace, the London Eye and a couple randoms.

Owen mentioned this earlier but, London felt like home to me (with the exception of the hostel)... I slept the best in St. James' park on the loungers they put out in the sun. The hostel we stayed at had the most uncomfortable bed I've ever been in and we were right beside the showers and the bathrooms so it was loud pretty much all the time except between 5am and 7am which I assume is when all of the 19 year olds finally pass out. I've included a picture of how I slept (doing my best not to touch the sheets at the hostel)

Aside from the hostel, we had a great time wandering around London being tourists. The London Eye was exciting on the way up but, you are on it for 30 minutes so, by the time you get to the top you have pretty much seen everything there is to see. I especially enjoyed the 4D show we got to see afterwards...

The flight from London Gatwick to Barcelona was quick and easy! We decided to head to Gatwick a little early and enjoy the Yotel! We only have a video (haven't figured out how to get it on here yet) but, basically it was a tiny hotel room at the airport. You get a bed, TV, (hot) shower and a toilet... After three days in our hostel with cold showers we were REALLY looking forward to a warm one! The only other thing to point out was that our Easyjet flight was seat yourself... I'd never been on a plane without assigned seating but, everyone seemed to figure it out :)

Barcelona was amazing! Our hostel was MUCH better (I didn't even sleep in my mummy bag!) and we were lucky enough to have friends come and visit us for the last couple days. Owen and I were super happy to have someone who spoke the language.... We hadn't really got up the confidence to wander in somewhere for food unless they had pictures because we had no idea what we were ordering... We had our first night out on the town with Misha and Darlin and obviously as per Owen's earlier post that will be the last one for a while. I'm not use to eating dinner at 10pm and then staying out until 6am so, the next day was a bit iffy ;) Owen's already posted a lot of pics so, I'll just do a couple more from the Barcelona game we attended and be done for now... We've only just got to Madrid but, we have activated our Eurorail passes and are LOVING staying with Misha and Darlin.... it's nice to stay at someone's house! I can't wait to sleep without doors slamming every 5 minutes...

Posted by Jess

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Bucket list tickoff!

Woke up today at 1215pm thanks to staying out last night till spanish closing time... 6am. Not the greatest idea in hindsight as today was supposed to be our sightseeing day. We ended up cabbing to the sagrada familia to save time, and I'm glad we did. The guy who designed it was obviously on drugs. Why they decided to build it is beyond me (maybe that's in the walking tour, it was closed today), but wow what a structure. The highlight though had to be jess throwing up in front of hundreds of people in a public trash

Once we finished there we met misha and went to camp nou. After much walking and sweating we bought tickets off a scalper for 3x face :( I wasn't sure if public scalping was illegal because there were so few people doing it, but it turns out it just really is that popular. It was incredible being in a stadium of 90000 people all chanting and singing at the sametime, and an unexpected bonus was the great views of the barca hills from our ' as bad as you could possibly get' nosebleed seats. Hope the pics do it some justice.

Tomorow it's off to barcelona sants to activate our eurail tickets and head to madrid. Happy mothers day! I think there is something in the mail!

Saturday, May 7, 2011


UhLate nght in barca. Saw misha, went out for A great dinner and late (late night) clubbing. Its funny how dre 2001 and notorious big are still the standard for classic dance music no mattet what language... Really drumk but a great night. See y'all tomorow to post tjerice I pay for barca tickets!

Pic is gum on my shoe. Wtf oops!

Barcelona elevator

Is this safe? Wtf

Barcelona waterfront

We stopped at the waterfront for a break and a beer. Every single tourist took a pic of the curved mirrored building like is ours!

London pub

Us at a local pub getting our drink on. It's so funny how loud and continuous everyone speaks. No table ever has a gap in conversation no matter how many people are at the table.


Well, I am happy to report we have successfully arrived in barcelona as of friday night. Everything is very well set up for english only tourists... I suppose this is obvious for most people, but for jess and I it's a new experience.

Our hostal is much nicer than the last one. Arriving at night was interesting, attempting to navigated 2sq km of gothic streets 3meters wide full of drunken spaniards. I attached some pics. The garbage truck was interesting, being specially skinny to make it their the narrow streets. 

This morning we walked around and struggled to order food...probably should have learned some words other than hi and thank you before we showed up!

Misha is coming soon so we will be saved from the language barrier...for now... Hopefully we will see a barca fc game tomorrow, as it's one of my biggest must dos on the trip.

The wifi at this hostal is free so hopefully I can post more often.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Luxury Ends, where is the WIFI???!?!?

Well its day 3 in London. A lot has changed!!!

After a great flight and way too much to drink, we sleep walked our way through the tube and made it to our hostel. Keeping in mind that jess and I have never stayed at one before, it was quite a shock! We both can not wait for a hot water shower, a peice of fruit included in breakfast (not just processed ham and bread), and wifi that isnt metered like downtown parking....

I would upload some pics but my phone doesnt log off the wifi fast enough and we wasted one of our free cards. This other one has 4 minutes left on it i better hurry up!! Hopefully later today we will buy another one and post some visuals.

The weather yesterday was so amazing I actually got a sunburn on my face! We did the usual stuff, buckingham palace, trafalger square, parliment, westminster abby (didnt go in line was too long), big ben, etc. Today is the London eye (although now its cloudy today) and perhaps go scope out some bugatti's in hyde park. Tomorrow off on the gatwick express to the airport and barcelona. Its been nice so far as London feels like a cross between Vancouver and Victoria, but barca will be a new language and new places to get lost... Until some wifi for phone pics, chow!


Monday, May 2, 2011

Das bar....

Loving life!



Got to the lounge for our BA flight. Omfg. 3 hours of unlimited wine and food and anything... Look at my crustless sandwiches!